Awh, you’ve captured my home city so well! ☺️ I’m glad you had a lovely time there. You certainly packed a lot in.

Interesting to know some parts of it felt “uncomfortable” as a visitor. I felt the same really.

Just leaving an old post of mine here which may interest you after having been there https://flourishandfare.substack.com/p/im-irish-but-home-has-never-been

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Thanks for your comment Aimee, so pleased you liked the post.

I think I was just conscious that we were being shown places where there’s very evidently such a lot of strong feelings still, and I felt it was important we heard the whole story to get a bit of understanding of Belfast, but also conscious that people’s lives aren’t tourist exhibits. Sorry, I’m not explaining myself very well, I guess I was just a bit at odds with myself.

Thanks for the post link, I’ll have a read.

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